If you want to call Disneyland Paris from your country, to book a stay or for any question or quiry :
Belgique / Belgium : 078 15 60 24 (local rate)
Danmark / Denmark : 70 12 02 12 (local rate)
Deutchland / Germany : 069 13 80 41 07 (local rate)
España / Spain : 901 515 555 (local rate)
Italia / Italy : 02754 19755 (variable rate)
Österreich / Austria : 0810 002345 (local rate)
Nederland / The Netherlands : 0900-34 76 39 65 (1€ per call)
Suisse / Schweiz / Switzerland : 0225 67 51 71 (local rate)
UK : 08448 008 898 (calls cost 5p per min from BT landline, other networks may vary.)
Others countries : +33 1 60 30 60 53 (international call rate)